When the Dinosaurs go Dancing |
LyricsWhen the dinosaurs go dancingThey like to waltz beneath the moon Their bodies gently swaying to their favorite old time tune you can hear them wheeze In the gentle breeze As their starlit shadows play but When the dinosaurs go dancing You better get out of the way When the dinosaurs go dancing at the annual charity ball They nod to one another and tango down the hall then they bow politely and do a pirouette They choose their favorite partner and begin a minuet The dinosaurs keep dancing You'd think they'd never stop Even though you know they're tired It's time to bunny hop When the night is over And their dancing is all done, The dinosaurs are tired From having so much fun. They greet the dawn with a dinosaur yawn And with weary dino-sore feet. They plod downstream where the dinosaurs dream And trundle home to sleep. |
Short Song Description: Imaginative about Dinosaurs dancing |
Long Song Description: a fun part of the musical - where paleontologists dance and argue their theories |
Story Behind the Song: this song is great for workshops (the dance segments are lengthened and children learn different dances) |
Lyric Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter |
Music Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter |
Producer Credits: Moon Tango |
Publisher Credits: Skytap Music |
Performance Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter and the Kozub family harmonies |
Label Credits: Lee |
Song Length: 2:37 |
Primary Genre: Unique-Children |
Secondary Genre: Unique-General |
Tempo / Feel: Tempo Undefined |
Lead Vocal: Mixed Vocals |
Subject Matter 1: Dinosaurs |
Subject Matter 2: Earth |
Mood 1: Delighted |
Mood 2: Cheerful |
Language: English |