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Big Love
Big Love

After all is said and done
I guess we didn't have
The Big Love We thought we had
Time keeps moving on
but looking back I remember
Good times

And even if we didn't have the big love we thought we had
We were together for awhile
It wasn't all bad
It wasn't all sad
It wasn't all just a dream
Just a dream

I prefer to think
It wasn't just a
Big waste of time
Time keeps moving on
but looking back I remember
Good times

And even if we didn't have the big Love we thought we had
We were together for awhile
It wasn't all bad
It wasn't all sad
It wasn't all just a dream
Just a dream

The crying and the heart ache and the cheating I recall
We've both moved on but looking back at it all
I remember how I felt and I know it was real
It wasn't all
Just a dream
Just a dream

After all is said and done
I guess we didn't have
The Big Love We thought we had
Time keeps moving on
but looking back I remember
Good times
And even if we didn't have the big love we thought we had
We were together for awhile
It wasn't all bad
It wasn't all sad
It wasn't all just a dream
We just didn't have the big love
that we thought we had

Judy Cook 2006
Short Song Description:
Looking back at a relationship
Long Song Description:
All our experiences are worthwhile
Story Behind the Song:
This idea was taken from my own relationships as well as so many of my friend's various relationships. You never know if the relationship will last but you always believe it will when you are In it.
Lyric Credits: Judy Cook
Music Credits: Judy Cook
Producer Credits: Dan Donahue
Performance Credits: Ilena Zaramba/Ron Halldorson
Song Length: 3:07
Primary Genre: Country-General
Secondary Genre: Country-Traditional
Lead Vocal: Female Vocal
Subject Matter 1: Lost Love
Subject Matter 2: Communication
Mood 1: Cool
Language: English
Era: 2000 and later