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Prairie Dog Rock and Tumbleweed Roll
Short Song Description:
The beauty of nature
Long Song Description:
I wanted to write lyrics about quiet sounds
Story Behind the Song:
I wrote the words and my partner Cathy Nosaty made this beautiful music to accompany it. Then our other partner Heidi Hunter created sign language to complete the work. Our little trio really was a "band" and we incorporated movement and music in our wo
Lyric Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter
Music Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter
Producer Credits: Dan Donahue
Publisher Credits: Skytap Music
Performance Credits: Hunter-Nosaty
Song Length: 3:53
Primary Genre: Unique-Children
Secondary Genre: Unique-General
Tempo / Feel: Tempo Undefined
Lead Vocal: Female Vocal
Subject Matter 1: General
Subject Matter 2: Land
Mood 1: Peaceful
Mood 2: Relaxed