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Funny Feet

As I was going down the street
I got a case of funny feet

I heard a buzz- it was a hive of bees
I got a case of funny knees

A bird flew by just a-flappin' it's wings
My arms started doin' some funny things

I went for a swim in the Winnipeg river
Stuck in my toe and got a funny shiver

Flipped a coin-called heads or tails
And got some funny fingernails

I was slappin' at mosquitoes that sunny day
When my hands started clappin' in a funny way

I grabbed some plants growin' in a ditch
"Don't touch that! You'll get a funny itch!"

We went for a walk around the block and then we stopped
"Cause we heard some funny talk

Then it was time to head back home
We all got a case of funny bone.

by Cook-Nosaty-Hunter
Skytap Music Publishing
registered with Socan
Short Song Description:
Movin' as you're walkin'
Long Song Description:
A fun way to do creative movement with kids
Story Behind the Song:
Came out of doing dance workshops with children
Lyric Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter
Music Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter
Producer Credits: Dan Donahue
Publisher Credits: Skytap Music
Performance Credits: Cook-Nosaty-Hunter
Song Length: 3:41
Primary Genre: Unique-Children
Secondary Genre: Spoken Word-Poetry
Tempo / Feel: Tempo Undefined
Lead Vocal: Mixed Vocals
Subject Matter 1: Laugh, Smile
Subject Matter 2: You, Yours
Mood 1: Cheerful
Mood 2: Welcoming
Language: English